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Library Homepage: Instruction Request

Library Instruction

Library Instruction

      To request Library instruction, faculty needs to 

1. Fill out and submit the Library Instruction Request form

2. A librarian will be assigned to follow up with the instructor. (Contact and liaison information is below. )

3. As noted on the Instruction form:

  • Students receive library orientation in UCC 101 or entry level ESL classes.
  • Students must have a working computer account in order to log in and use Library and Lab computers (and) The instructor must be present during the library instruction period. 
  • All other library instruction is assignment focused. The librarian liaison is available to help design assignments that work well with the resources available at UCNJ Libraries. 

4. When you fill the form, please describe your class assignment fully so that a librarian can prepare appropriate materials  for  instruction. 
5. The Library needs 2 weeks advance notice to schedule a class.  

Liaison Librarians: 

Casey Williams (
Liaison: STEM Division (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Engineering, Computer Science)
Elsa Bruguier  (
Liaison:  Allied Sciences Division (Allied Health, Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiography, Respiratory Care, Sonography]), American Sign Language and Deaf Studies, American Sign Language-English Interpreting, and Practical Nursing. 
Karen Venturella  (
Liaison: Humanities Division (English, Communication, Modern Languages, Fine Arts) & Paralegal 

Emma Trevena ( 
Liaison: ESL and Trinitas Nursing

Vinell Spied (
Liaison: SSBH Division (Social Science, Business, Education, History, Psychology)

UCNJ LibGuides at Union College