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Business and Economics: Find Articles

Search the Wall Street Journal

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Business Databases

To find articles, search the Union College Libraries Databases, or any of the specific business databases below.

Please note: If you are not logged in to your College account, you will be prompted to do so. Off-campus log-in has the following format: 

  • For students:, your password. 

  • For faculty and staff:, your password.

When you are off-campus, your username is your full Union College email address ( The password will be the same one you use on campus.

Some of the databases offer filters so that you can specify that you only want "trade" publications. (See the previous tab (above) about why trade publications are important in business.) If trade is not offered as an option, try "magazine," newspaper or newswire, to eliminate results with long, scholarly articles infrequently used for business purposes.


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