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Business and Economics: Importance of "Trade Journal" Articles for Business

What is a trade publication?

Day-to-day access to relevant and current information is critical for business and that information is reported to business people and other professionals by trade publications. 

A trade publication  is a professional journal, magazine or newspaper which is written for people who work in a specific profession (business, engineering, electronics, medicine, education, etc.). 

Articles in trade (or professional) publications are usually short and to-the-point, often with jargon specific to the field.

Both illustrations and advertising (industry-specific) are likely to be included.

Articles are usually written by publication staff and are intended to alert readers about a technique, a trend, government regulation or other situation which is relevant to a reader's occupation. Often, articles in trade publications do not have a specific author cited (e.g. articles in The Economist.)

Typically, trade publications are issued on a frequent schedule (daily, weekly or monthly.) and report what happened the previous day, week or month.

Readers will want to put information found in a trade publication to use "as of yesterday!"


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