Encyclopedia of Business and Finance by Gale Editors (Editor)ISBN: 9780028662640
Publication Date: 2014-06-06
How is social responsibility viewed by U.S. based companies? How do stocks and bonds differ? Can a corporation be ethical? How has crowdfunding changed the nature of entrepreneurship? Undergraduate business school enrollment for both traditional and non-traditional students is increasing each year, while at the same time more high schools are building economic and business literacy into their curricula. Encyclopedia of Business and Finance, 3rd Edition, is designed to meet both the specific research and general inquiry needs of all of these students by providing easy to understand essays covering all of the foundational topics, themes, and theories that will be covered in their business degree curricula. Macmillan's Encyclopedia of Business and Finance is a two volume set that is organized A-Z. Each signed entry was written by a subject expert and peer reviewed. Entries come equipped with bibliographies and See Also references to facilitate further research. Designed for the non-specialist, the Encyclopedia Of Business And Finance is a two-volume complete reference covering five general areas: finance and banking; accounting; marketing; management; and information systems. Drawing on practical professional expertise as well as that of noted scholars, the contributors include academics and business scholars from leading business programs. The new completely revised second edition includes 315 signed essays. *Fully indexed and numerous cross references to make information accessible quickly and efficiently.