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World History: Books & DVDs

Library Catalog Links & Keywords for Searching

Using the key words/search terms throughout this guide, search the UCNJ Library Catalog to find books, eBooks, DVDs, CDs, and more.

To browse more eBook collections, go to the library homepage and select eBook Collections, under "Quick Links", on the left hand side.

Use the key words below to search for information in the library's catalog about World History.

  • African History
  • Age of Discovery
  • American Revolution
  • Ancient History
  • Apartheid
  • Asian History
  • Australian History
  • Aztec Empire
  • Black Death
  • Bronze Age
  • Central Asian History
  • Chinese History
  • Early Bronze Age
  • Early Civilizations
  • East African History
  • East Asian History
  • Egyptian History
  • Enlightenment
  • European History
  • French Revolution
  • Ghana Empire
  • Globalization
  • Greek Dark Ages
  • Greek History
  • History of Oceania
  • History of Spain
  • Holocaust
  • Imperialism
  • Inca Empire
  • Indian History
  • Indigenous History
  • Industrialization
  • Iron Age
  • Japanese History
  • Korean War
  • Latin American History
  • Mayan Civilization
  • Medieval History
  • Mesoamerica
  • Middle Ages
  • Middle Eastern History
  • Modern World History
  • Monarchy
  • Native American History
  • Olmec Civilization
  • Pompeii
  • Prehistoric History
  • Renaissance
  • Roman Empire
  • Seven Years War
  • Shang Dynasty
  • South African History
  • South Asian History
  • Stone Age
  • Tang Dynasty
  • West African History
  • Women's History
  • World War I
  • World War II



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