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American Sign Language & Deaf Studies: Find Web Resources

Directories & Search Engines





Internet Scout Project-- "A searchable and browseable database to ...28,051 critical annotations of carefully selected Internet sites and mailing lists."

MERLOT: Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning & Online Teaching-- "MERLOT is a...collection of peer reviewed higher education, online learning materials, catalogued by registered members and a set of faculty development support services." This searchable directory retrieves resources of all kinds, including materials for students of ASL, interpreting, and Deaf culture.


Web Resources

American Sign Language Linguistic Research Project-- at Boston University-- Projects include ASL syntax; a center for sign language and gesture resources; pattern discovery in signed languages and gestural communication; recognition and communication of human motion, large lexicon gesture representation, recognition, and retrieval; and others.

Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center-- Topics include educating children, the transition to adulthood, hearing loss information, language and literacy, hearing and communication technology, laws, and resources.

National Association of the Deaf Directories-- State agencies and services, national organizations, ASL at universities, and more.

National Theatre of the Deaf-- The NTD seeks to "produce theatrically challenging work of the highest quality, drawing from as wide a range of the world's literature as possible; to perform these original works in a style that links American Sign Language with the spoken word; to seek, train and employ Deaf artists; to offer our work to as culturally diverse and inclusive an audience as possible; to provide community outreach activities that will educate and enlighten the general public, opening their eyes and ears to Deaf culture and building linkages that facilitate involvement in our methods of work."

New Jersey Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing-- Look here for sign language interpreters, captioning services, assistive equipment, device lending programs, newsletters, a Division staff directory, etc.

Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf-- Information ranges from hiring an interpreter to ethics, education and certification, even finding a speaker on a particular topic, etc.

VL2: Visual Language and Visual Learning-- "VL2 is a Science of Learning Center (SLC) on Visual Language and Visual Learning, one of six SLCs funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and is hosted by Gallaudet University. NSF established the Science of Learning Centers to support interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research that presents new lines of thinking and inquiry into the science of learning."



Subject Guide

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Elsa Bruguier
Elsa Bruguier, M.L.S., M.A.
UCNJ Libraries
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