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Religion & Spirituality: Creation Myths and Origin Stories


Something that often defines a religion or spiritual belief is a creation/origin story.  These are stories that are typically cultural or geographical and explain the beginnings of earth, life, humanity, and the universe - usually giving credit to one or more deities.  You may sometimes see these stories referred to as "myths."  Here, the term "myth" does not mean something untrue, but rather a traditional story of "historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon" (Merriam-Webster, 2024).  Creation myths are not always rooted in religion and can be cultural or secular.

Images from the UCNJ Libraries' History Research Center Database

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"In Hindu creation stories, Manu is the first man. He is saved from a great flood when the god Vishnu appears as a fish and tows his boat to safety. Here Manu’s boat also carries the Saptarishi, the seven rishis, or sages, who are honored in the Vedas."

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"Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. Painted in the early 1500s, the near-touching hands illustrate the creation story told in the book of Genesis in both the Torah and the Bible, in which, according to Judeo-Christian tradition, God creates Adam, the world’s first man."

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"In a story told in the epic poem Popol Vuh, One Hunahpu and his brother Seven Hunahpu offend the gods of the underworld with their noisy ball playing. The gods invite the brothers to play in Xibalbá, the underworld, where they are defeated and killed. Hanged in a calabash tree, the decapitated One Hunahpu's head spits into the hand of a daughter of one of the underworld gods, impregnating her; this act leads to the birth of the Hero Twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque.  A young god whose actions are similar to those of Hunahpu is shown in this detail from a mural found at San Bartolo, Guatemala, dating to ca. 100 BCE."

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"The Temple of Isis on Philae was built mostly during the Ptolemaic period of Ancient Egypt (ca. 300 BCE) but construction continued through the Roman period (up to 300 CE)... Egyptian creation myth held that Biga was the first land to appear at the beginning of the world. It was also believed to be one of the burial places of Osiris, and was reserved for his priesthood. The picture depicts the god Horus (left) and either the goddess Isis or Hathor (right)"

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Creation Myth, San Bartolo, Guatemala [Illustration]. (n.d.). History Research Center.

Detail of The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City [Illustration]. (n.d.). History Research Center.

Detail of Temple of Isis [Illustration]. (n.d.). History Research Center.

Merriam-Webster. (2024). Myth. In dictionary. Retrieved March 26, 2024, from

Vishnu saves Manu from a great flood [Illustration]. (n.d.). History Research Center.

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