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Religion & Spirituality: Atheism & Agnosticism


Atheists are individuals who do not believe in a god, while agnostics do not believe it is possible to know if god(s) exist, but do not have 100% disbelief and are often open to learning about other religions.  It is important to note that "non-belief” can come in many forms and most “nonbelievers” do not subscribe to a label.  It is possible to be both agnostic and atheist (an “agnostic atheist”) - these individuals do not believe in god(s), and also do not think humans can ever know if god(s) exist (Weir, 2020, p. 52).  Some individuals who hold these beliefs but do not want to be labeled as “agnostic” or “atheist” refer to themselves as “secular.”



Charts & Graphs

Charts and Graphs from Pew Research Center

Videos from the Academic Video Online: Premium Library Database

The Library has access to many databases that contain videos to stream.  Here is a selection of videos from the Academic Video Online Premium database:

Secular Interpretations, Criticism, and History


Weir, K. (2020, July 1). What do you believe? Monitor on Psychology51(5), 52.

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