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Faculty Guide to Library Tools for Student Success: Faculty Archives

Information and links on Library Resources for faculty and students to promote student success.

Faculty Articles

ARTICLES in Tech Services L207

Faculty Author

Pub Yr

Control of US high technology exports in a changed global market environment and US competitiveness: A review and Assessment.

Anwanyu, Lenard


Defense R&D, technology, and economic performance: A longitudinal analysis of the U.S. Experience. 

Anwanyu, Lenard


U.S. high-technology export controls in a changed global environment: Some competitiveness implications and firm size.

Anyanwu, Len C


The widow's walk: An alternative for English 101 creative communications

Ashby, Allen & McCracken, Timothy


Facing the mirror

Ashby, Allen


George S. Boutwell

Brown, Thomas H


For one unheralded confederate quartermaster, enduring criticism was part of his varied job description

Brown, Thomas H


Lincoln, Boutwell and the creation of the Internal Revenue Department 

Brown, Thomas H


Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica, New York

Brown, Thomas H


Oral history : Cumberland County

Brown, Thomas H


Political buttons: a collector's delight 

Brown, Thomas H


Relocated Japanese American community

Brown, Thomas H


River of Doubt = El Rio de la Duda] 

Brown, Thomas H


Paradox of virginity within the Anchoritic tradition: The masculine gaze and the feminine body in the Wohunge group

Chewning, Susannah


Mysticism and the Anchoritic community: "A time... of veiled infinity"

Chewning, Susannah


Fairness: How to achieve it and how to optimize in a fair-decision procedure. / Michael A. Jones and Stanley F. Cohen.

Cohen, Stanley


Boulez conducts symphony 6 

Comeau, Robert C.


Cambridge companion to Mark Twain: Review 

Comeau, Robert C.


Mark Twain's weapons of satire: Anti-imperialist writings on the Philippine-American War. Review 

Comeau, Robert C.


Reading Poe on salary: Mark Twain's use of "the raven, ""hop frog" and "William Wilson" in "The facts concerning the recent carnival of crime in Connecticut".

Comeau, Robert C.


Willa Cather and Mark Twain: Yours truly, Jim Burden 

Comeau, Robert C.


Sexual exiles: James Baldwin and another country.

Dievler, James A. 


Freud's sexual politics: Heresy or heroism.

Engler, Barbara


Playing games in the classroom

Engler, Barbara


Sexuality and knowledge in Sigmund Freud

Engler, Barbara


Teaching English in the two-year college.

Green, Andrea


Cybersecurity education in community colleges across America: A survey of present and planned implementation

Hawthorne,  Elizabeth K. 


 Digitally enhancing America's community colleges : Strategic opportunities for computing education 

Hawthorne,  Elizabeth K. 


Toward the virtual library: Orienting faculty and transforming the curriculum.

Hawthorne,  Elizabeth K. 


Faculty Articles Page 2

Baseball hall of famer-but still veiled by ancient prejudice.

Hogan, Lawrence


Baseball in the ocean state: Rhode Island black baseball, 1886-1948.

Hogan, Lawrence


Ebenezer Scrooge at Christmas 1998.

Hogan, Lawrence


Gift of Alvin White.

Hogan, Lawrence


Heritage of black press.

Hogan, Lawrence


Is there a nobel prize for peephole journalism?

Hogan, Lawrence


Joe D., the Babe and Pop: The man who opened Yankee Stadium to black baseball.

Hogan, Lawrence


Pop Lloyd deserves a place of honor in Yankee stadium.

Hogan, Lawrence


Still not home free... reflections on a baseball great, and the measure of true equality.

Hogan, Lawrence


Teaching about immigration: Ellis Island and beyond.

Hogan, Lawrence


To denigrate "Western civilization" is to disinherit our children.

Hogan, Lawrence


War no more, Gen. MacArthur warned cadets.

Hogan, Lawrence


When baseball was black and white.

Hogan, Lawrence


How do you manage?

Holmes, Pamela


Faculty Articles Page 3

In vitro inhibition of HHV-6 replication by sophocarpines.

Khan, Mushtaq A.


Putting computers in their place.

Kolaitis, Marinna M.


What is my calculator telling me?

Lane, Jean


Between Language and Silence

McCracken, Timothy


CEA critic.

McCracken, Timothy


The widow's walk An alternative for English 101- creative communications in College English

McCracken, Timothy(and Allen, Ashby)


Shock of unrecognition (for Elizabeth and Liam).

McCracken, Timothy


Time's department store: a polyphonic score for reading [microform]

McCracken, Timothy


Triple-voicing: the multicultural canon.

McCracken, Timothy


Video-texts: technology and the teaching of literature.

McCracken, Timothy


Kazanjian, Varaztad.

McGoldrick, Barbara


New York Times : editorials/letters. Jerry Nathanson.

Nathanson, Jerry


Are we training enough Civil Engineering technicians?

Nathanson, Jerry A


Civil engineering, productivity, and Zen.

Nathanson, Jerry A


Determination of molecular weight by surface techniques.

Nathanson, Jerry A


Environmental engineering.

Nathanson, Jerry A


Environmental works.

Nathanson, Jerry A


Methodology for faculty evaluation.

Nathanson, Jerry A


How much education is needed to become an engineer?

Nathanson, Jerry A.


Methodology for faculty evaluation.

Nathanson, Jerry A.


Multimedia in first attempts

Pankuch, Brian


Multimedia in lectures and on the world wide web

Pankuch, Brian


Using the world wide web.

Pankuch, Brian J.


Cytogenetic Studies of Poecilia (Pisces) I. Chromosome numbers of naturally occurring Poeciliid Species and their hybrids from Eastern Mexico.

Prehn, Lillian M. 


Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Lessons Learned from the Pandemic (Are we Prepared for the Next Pandemic).  Venturella, Karen M. (Breland, M., Venturella, K., & Shapiro, S.) 2023

Cast of one : modeling for George Segal 

Yoskowitz, Robert


George Ohr-Modernist.

Yoskowitz, Robert


Note on bisque and George Ohr's modernity.

Yoskowitz, Robert


Three-space property of Kadec-Klee renorming in Banach spaces.

Zhang, Wenyao


Books in Faculty Archives

Comprehensive history of Western ethics : what do we believe?  Ashby, Allen 1997
Laboratory manual, biology / Sylvia S. Mader. Atsa, Bert 2001
Dancer's paradise: an erotic journey/ by Debrena Allen as told to Terry Benjamin Benjamin, Terry 2003
How about never--is never good for you? : My life in cartoons  Bob Mankoff 2014
Science milestones : knowing & being  Bonner, Richard W. 1997
Historical perspectives: A reader & study guide. Brown, Alison 1998
Creating A Leader Among Its Peers : the growth and success of Union College - 1990-2010  Brown, Thomas H 2013
George S. Boutwell  Brown, Thomas H 1992
George Sewall Boutwell, human rights advocate. Brown, Thomas H 1989
Study guide to accompany Christensen & Kockrow Foundations of nursing, 4th edition Castaldi, Patricia A.  2003
Approaches to teaching Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and the shorter poems / edited by Tison Pugh and Angela Jane Weisl. Chewning, Susannah Mary  2007
Constructions of widowhood and virginity in the Middle Ages / edited by Cindy L. Carlson and Angela Jane Weisl. Chewning, Susannah Mary  1999
Intersections of sexuality and the divine in medieval culture : The word made flesh  Chewning, Susannah Mary  2004
Medieval women in their communities / edited by Diane Watt. Chewning, Susannah Mary  1997
Straight writ queer : Non-normative expressions of heterosexuality in literature / edited by Richard Fantina Chewning, Susannah Mary  2006
Boulez conducts symphony 6  Comeau, Robert C 2001
Cambridge companion to Mark Twain: Review  Comeau, Robert C 1966
Willa Cather's New York : new essays on Cather in the city / edited by Merrill Maguire Skaggs. Comeau, Robert C 2000
Translating America : An immigrant press visualizes American popular culture, 1895-1918  Conolly-Smith, Peter 2004
Basic mathematics  Crisonino, Ginny 2006
Geometry : a self-teaching guide  Crisonino, Ginny 2005
Mariners Harbor Messiah Daley, Todd 2017
Apples & oranges: word problems from great books  Daley, Todd 1995
Blue collar folks  Daley, Todd 2019
Brief guide to philosophy  Daley, Todd 2005
Mathematical concepts: an interdisciplinary approach  Daley, Todd 1998
Western civilization 1600 to the present : A workbook for the active student  Damerow, Harold E. 1999
Western civilization to 1648 : A worktext for the active student  Damerow. Harold E, 1997
Cranberry Christmas / Wende and Harry Devlin. Devlin, Harry 1986
Cranberry Thanksgiving [by] Wende and Harry Devlin. Devlin, Harry 1971
Hang on, Hester! / Wende and Harry Devlin. Devlin, Harry 1980
Sexual exiles: James Baldwin and another country. Dievler, James Anthony 1999
Who governs the internet? : a political architecture  Domanski, Robert J. 2015
Personality theories : An introduction  Engler, Barbara 2003
Playing games in the classroom. Engler, Barbara 1976
Educating the academically underprepared : Practices of community college instructors credited with success in teaching developmental reading/writing  Farakish, Negar 2008
Your collegew experience. / by John N. Gardner, Betsy O. Barefoot, and Negar Farakish Farakish, Negar 2014
I'll sell you a million Jews  Fishstein, Oscar 1995
New grammar in action  Foley, Barbara H 1998
Now hear this! : High beginning listening, speaking & pronunciation. Foley, Barbara H. 1994
Black / maybe : An Afro lyric  Garcia, Roberto Carlos  2018
Melancolía : Poems  Garcia, Roberto Carlos  2016
Maida's little cabins. Gillmore, Inez Haynes 1947
Maida's little houseboat Gillmore, Inez Haynes 1953
Maida's little lighthouse  Gillmore, Inez Haynes 1951
For tiger lilies out of season. Green, Andrea 1998
Like bees to honey. Green, Andrea 2001
Officer and laughing girl: An act of discovery. Green, Andrea 1994
Teaching English in the two-year college. Green, Andrea 1974
Chiro-informatics : Towards a semantic web health record and ontology for coordination of patient information between chiropractic and allopathic physicians  Hawthorne,  Elizabeth K.  2005
Digitally enhancing America's community colleges : strategic opportunities for computing education / by Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Robert D. Campbell, Karl J. Klee, Anita M. Wright. Hawthorne,  Elizabeth K.  2011
Views of Union College students by subject areas and demographic characteristics of the effectiveness of teaching methods Henderson, Ruth N. 1993
First one hundred years in America : Other voices Hobbie, Norman J. 2005
First one hundred years in America : Recollections of a Lebanese-American grandson Hobbie, Norman J. 2003
Black national news service : The Associated Negro Press and Claude Barnett, 1919-1945. Hogan, Lawrence 2002
Forgotten history of African American baseball  Hogan, Lawrence 2014
Out of the shadows : Negro League baseball in America / John Henry "Pop" Lloyd Committee. Hogan, Lawrence 2004
Shades of glory : The negro leagues and the story of African-American baseball Hogan, Lawrence 2006
Shocking violence II : Violent disaster, war, and terrorism affecting our youth / edited by Rosemarie Scolaro Moser and Corinne E. Frantz Jacobs, Risetta 2003
Plagiarism plague : A resource guide and CD-ROM tutorial for educators and librarians / edited by Vibiana Bowman. Kaufmann, Frances 2004
Issues of education at community colleges : Essays by fellows in the mid-career fellowship program at Princeton University, June 2000 Khodabakhshi, Susan 2000
Wartime diary 1942 - 1944  Kramer, Clara 1994
Career research project  Lagos, Denise C. 2011
Valeri Larko : two decades Larko, Valeri 2010
First year seminar Lewandowski, Rosemarie 2001
Visualization in natural language: four case studies in discourse analysis. Lewandowski, Rosemarie 1995
Voices of a teacher  Lewandowski, Rosemarie 1997


Progressive movement of 1924. / by Kenneth Campbell MacKay MacKay, Kenneth Campbell  1966
Braided self: Returning to fellowship program for a second time. McCracken, Timothy 2001
He said, she says : An RSVP to the male text / edited by Mica Howe and Sarah Appleton Aguiar. McCracken, Timothy 2001
US 1 worksheets Volume 50 McDermott, John H 1973
Long way home : Poems  McDermott, John H. 2005
Surveying fundamentals and practices / Jerry Nathanson, Michael T. Lanzafama, Philip Kissam. Nathanson, Jerry 2006
Basic environmental technology : Water supply, waste management, and pollution control  Nathanson, Jerry A 1997
Basic environmental technology : water supply, waste management, and pollution control  Nathanson, Jerry A 2003
Basic environmental technology : Water supply, waste management, and pollution control. Nathanson, Jerry A 2000
Surveying practice / Jerry A. Nathanson, Philip Kissam. Nathanson, Jerry A 1988
Trees of Union College  Ombrello, Thomas M. 1979
Guide to Union College's Historic Tree Project  Ombrello. Tom 2000
Renegade revolutionary : The life of General Charles Lee  Papas, Phillip 2014
That ever loyal island : Staten Island and the American revolution Papas, Phillip 2007
Lifelines : coping skills in English / Barbara H. Foley and Howard Pomann Pomann,  Howard 1992
Historical notices of Saint John's Church, Elizabeth-Town, New-Jersey : Contained in a discourse delivered in said Church, November 21st, 1824 . Rudd, John C. 1825
Upperville days : Photographs and stories from Virginia Hunt Country  Shorts, A. G., Jr 2000
Jazzy American dreamers : Coming of age in the 1930s & 1940s : A photographic memoir with personal correspondence from World War II  Shorts, A. G., Jr. 2006
Jelly bean economics Slavin, Stephen 1984
As ever, Mac : A biography of college frontiersman Kenneth C. MacKay  Smith, Roy 2005
Best of both worlds : A history of cooperative nursing program, 1971-1996.  Smith, Roy W. 1997
College for you  Smith, Roy W. 2002
Remaking of a college : Union College, 1982-1992. Smith, Roy W. 1993
Tomorrow's community college. Smith, Roy W. 1995
Union made in heaven: History of Amateur Astronomers, Inc. 1949-1999. Smith, Roy W. 1999
Contracts for paralegals : Legal principles and practical applications  Spagnola, Linda A. 2008
Cubalogues : Beat writers in revolutionary Havana . Tietchen, Todd F. 2010
Trade with the odds : How to construct market-beating trading systems  Trongone, Anthony 2012
History of the acquisition of the 1856 United States Map  Union College. 2006
Success : 1933 to 2008 : Union College 75th anniversary. Union College 2008
Union College Student handbook 1971-1972. Union College 1971
Introducing Union College libraries [videorecording] Union College 2000
Multiculturalism in higher education [videorecording]. Union College 2000
UCC Overcoming hatred week panel discussion [videorecording]. Union College 2002
Watchung Reservation field trip [videorecording]. Union College 1996
Poor people and library services / edited by Karen M. Venturella ; foreword by Sanford Berman. Venturella, Karen M. 1998
Remembrances of UJC (Union Junior College) . Vorselen, A. L. 1999
Release your power : "Eight strategies for becoming who you really are"  Williams, Lilisa J. 2004
UCNJ LibGuides at Union College