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Mathematics: Journals

Explanation of Full Text Delay (FTD)

Please note that there may be what is called a "Full Text Delay" (FTD) for some journals. Which means the latest articles may not be accessible for 6 months to 2 years. If the FTD is known, it will appear in the journal description.

Algebra Journals

Journal of Algebra

The Journal of Algebra is a leading international journal and publishes papers that demonstrate high quality research results in algebra and related computational aspects. (FTD 4 years).

Algebraic & Geometric Topology

Algebraic and Geometric Topology is a fully refereed journal covering all of topology, broadly understood. (FTD 5 years).

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra

Concentrates on: algebraic results with immediate applications, and the development of algebraic theories of sufficiently general relevance to allow for future applications. (FTD 4 years).

Calculus Journals

Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations

Strives to attract and collect many contributions to the field of research, and stress the interactions between analysts, geometers, and physicists. Scroll down for open access articles.

Journal of Functional Analysis

The Journal of Functional Analysis presents original research papers in all scientific disciplines in which modern functional analysis plays a basic role. (FTD 4 years).

Journal of Differential Equations

The articles published are addressed not only to mathematicians but also to those engineers, physicists, and other scientists for whom differential equations are valuable research tools. (FTD 4 years).

Applied Mathematics Journals

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

The Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS is an international journal publishing papers of the highest scientific level.

Journal of the American Mathematical Society

The Journal of the American Mathematical Society, begun in 1988, is published quarterly. It contains research articles of the highest quality in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. (FTD 6 years).

American Journal of Mathematics

The American Journal of Mathematics publishes articles of broad appeal covering the major areas of contemporary mathematics. (FTD 6 years).

General Mathematics Journals

Math Horizons

Intended primarily for undergraduates interested in mathematics. Our purpose is to introduce students to the world of mathematics outside the classroom.

Geometry Journals

Journal of Symplectic Geometry

Publishes high quality papers on all aspects of symplectic geometry, going back to Huygens’ study of optics and to the Hamilton Jacobi formulation of mechanics. (FTD 4 years).

Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry

Fosters international research exchange in global analysis and geometry, covers global analysis, differential geometry, complex manifolds, Lie groups, variational calculus, and more. (FTD 1 year).

Journal of Geometry

Presents current research developments in the field of geometry, emphasizing the foundations of geometry, geometric algebra, finite geometries, combinatorial geometry and special geometries. Scroll down for open access articles.

Statistics Journals

The Annals of Statistics

The Annals of Statistics aims to publish research papers of the highest quality reflecting the many facets of contemporary statistics. (FTD 3 years).

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Statistical Methodology)

Publishes on statistical methodology, contributing to the understanding of statistical methodology and improving statistical methods. (FTD 5 years).

Journal of the American Statistical Association

Focuses on statistical applications, theory, and methods in economic, social, physical, engineering, and health sciences and statistical education. (FTD 6 years).

Discrete Mathematics Journals

Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B

The Journal of Combinatorial Theory publishes original mathematical research dealing with theoretical aspects of the study of discrete structures. (FTD 4 years).

Discrete Mathematics

Provides a common forum for significant research in discrete mathematics & combinatorics. (FTD 4 years).

Discrete Applied Mathematics

Papers in different areas of algorithmic and applicable discrete mathematics as well as applications of combinatorial mathematics to informatics and various areas of science and technology. (FTD 4 years).

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