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English Composition: Writing in the Discipline

What is Writing in the Discipline?

Writing in the Discipline (Excelsior OWL)

"The teaching of writing in colleges and universities tends to focus on academic essays and research papers. Writing in the disciplines, on the other hand, refers to writing assignments tailored to the genres of a specific discipline or field. For instance, a science course might require students to write a lab report, while a sociology course might assign a case study."  Each discipline has its own format, structure and style.  Academic disciplines has  five (5) general categories: Business and Communication, Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences and Mathematics.

Writing in the Humanities

Humanities  is broken down by subjects that have similar rhetorical writing tasks such as analysis, argument and persuasion, cause and effect, classification, comparison and contrast, definition, description and narrative. Below see some main subjects areas from UNC at Chapel Hill:

Writing Across the Curriculum: Writing About Art (Hunter College Writing Center) (PDF)
How to Review a Play (University of Wisconsin – Madison, The Writing Center)

Writing About Literature (Purdue OWL)

How to Write a Philosophy Paper (David Clowney, Rowan University)

Business and Communication

Writing business letters or applying for a job to require you to requesting or delivering information in the appropriate format or style and there are strategies for effective business writing in general.

Business (Excelsior OWL)

Business (UNC at Chapel Hill)

Communication Studies (UNC at Chapel Hill)

Writing in the Sciences

  • A Brief Guide to Writing in Chemistry (Kenyon College)
    “This document is a guide to assist students in chemistry courses with writing and formatting laboratory reports and research reports.”
  • Writing the Scientific Paper (Writing@CSU) A comprehensive guide to writing scientific papers. Be sure to click “Continue” on the bottom right of the screen to access all of the information.

Social Sciences

UNC at Chapel Hill

Political Science 


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