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Early Childhood & Elementary Education: Getting Started

About This Guide

This guide has been created to help you find information about Early Childhood and Elementary Education, and to locate related information resources available in the UCNJ College Libraries and on the Internet. 

If you need further assistance in your research, don't hesitate to contact a librarian at any of our campus locations.

Early Childhood Elementary Education at Union College

UCNJ offers an Associate degree in Early Childhood Elementary Education

The program is part of the Social Science, History and Business Division. SSHB offices for the Dean and faculty are located on the 2nd floor of Student Development. Contact the SSHB Division at 908-709-7508.

Upon successful completion of all program requirements, graduates will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of psychological concepts to the learning behavior of children from Pre-K to Grade 3;

  • Analyze the characteristics of effective teaching behaviors and “best practices” in the teaching profession;

  • Describe the organization and funding of school systems;

  • Describe the roles of teachers, students, parents, administrators, and teacher associations in the U.S.;

  • Communicate effectively orally and in writing;

  • Demonstrate the skills and motivation for continued self-education;

  • Demonstrate the ability to access and utilize various sources of information such as the library and the internet;

  • Develop skill in quantitative and scientific reasoning;

  • Evaluate the various issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of Early Childhood Elementary Education. 

( you can find all of this information on the UCNJ website, by clicking on the link above) 

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