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Fire Science Technology: Prof Associations, NGOs, Government Orgs

Fire Science Technology guide to resources

Fire Technology Professional Associations

  • International Association of Fire Fighters
    • The International Association of Fire Fighters, headquartered in Washington, DC, represents more than 295,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics who protect 85 percent of the nation’s population.
  • National Fire Protection Association's Fire Technology Page
    • The world's leading advocate of fire prevention and an authoritative source on public safety, NFPA develops, publishes, and disseminates more than 300 consensus codes and standards intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks.
  • National Fire Sprinkler Association 
    • ​"To protect lives and property from fire through the widespread acceptance of the fire sprinkler concept." - NFA mission statement
  • National Association of Fire Investigators
    • "NAFI has lead the charge to bring fire investigation science into the 21st century. Our wide variety of NFPA 921 based training programs are unmatched in the industry." - NAFI  ​

Government Organizations

UCNJ LibGuides at Union College