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Nursing: Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Evidence-Based Practice

Joanna Briggs Institute:  JBI is world renowned for evidence-based practice, integrating the best available international evidence for use at the point of care. Some evidence-based information on the site is freely available (e.g.,consumer information, Best Practice information sheets, technical reports, systematic review protocols, systematic review protocols, selected articles). Other information is accessible only to members of the Institute.

Understanding Evidence-Based Practice: site sponsored by Lippincott Publishing Company.  Provides access to some articles for free, others are fee-based.  The College Libraries may offer those fee-based articles in print or in a database.  For assistance, ask your friendly librarian! 

Systematic Reviews

SUMSearch2 -- searches for original studies, systematic reviews, practice guidelines from PubMed, NGC, and DARE.

UCNJ LibGuides at Union College